Wednesday, June 10, 2009

About Me

I don't like all the qualities people associate with veganism, and in no way wish to fall into a category of people as ridden with stereotypes and fraught with negative connotations as a group of hairy feminists. So let's get things straight. I wear bras, shave my legs, and recently bought a very nice pair of strappy leather sandles. I'd list ice cream as one of my top five favorite foods, and I truly enjoy a good steak. 

But I also want to be able to consider myself health- and environmentally conscious, because I think that's the direction that the world needs to take. I want to know for myself how it feels to rid my body of chemicals and toxins that come from the packaged world of the mass food industry, and return to a more natural state of being (and eating).

I don't want to make a big deal about it, though. I'm not telling many people--even my close friends here in Germany don't know about the "Challenge." I'm passing off my inability to go out to eat on a lack of Euros. But at the same time, I need to be held accountable during the next thirty days. So I'm writing this blog--anonymously--to record what happens. If you're reading this, I want you to know that your comments would be appreciated--if only so I know someone is following along.

Here's the game plan:
Monday I'm going to go investigate the large organic store I always see when I'm riding the bus downtown. I need to check out my options--soy options, that is. I'm going to stock up for my first few days of veggie madness, and then on Tuesday. . . los geht's! There will be recipes, photos, and probably a lot of bitching and moaning on the process, so stay tuned!

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