Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cleaning House

All this talk of vegan cookies, cakes, and falafel is probably giving you the wrong idea about how I'm going to be doing this. I am 100% aware that this kind of a diet can easily turn into an unhealthy carb-fest if done improperly. But I'm going to go by the Skinny Bitch recommendations on how to do it (using, of course, their book Skinny Bitch in the Kitch for recipes) which means meals focused around fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. I'm going to try to drink almost exclusively water and tea, eliminate soda, and consciously monitor my already quite low alcohol intake. 

To get things started, I've cleaned out all non-vegan items from my kitchen reserve and pawned them onto my roommate (which actually only included a third of a block of cheese, one yogurt, and a package of seasoned rice which wasn't even healthy to begin with). Tomorrow I'm going to go to this organic grocery store that I always pass when I'm on the bus but have never been in. Hopefully I can find some tofu and soy milk there (I'm not worried - the place looks big), and maybe even some of the brands that are recommended in the Skinny Bitch books. I'm on a budget here, so I'm going to limit my spending to only things I can consume in the next few days, and maybe one or two dry items that will keep for a while and can be used in recipes. 

Once I'm restocked with the right foods (and through the linguistics midterm I have tomorrow afternoon), I'll be ready to kick off the Challenge, which starts Tuesday. And after my fast food consumption in Hamburg this past weekend (which actually wasn't very much, but I just feel dirty after sitting in a Burger King) I'm actually really looking forward to this opportunity to try something new. Who knows, maybe I'll start meditating and doing yoga, too. Ohm. Ohm. Or not. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. haha! off to a good start, although yoga....maybe, i really wanna try hot yoga. maybe ill settle for a kickboxing class. hint hint. ♥
