Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 4, or "Late Night Delight"

While I love going out at night, at heart I am an early riser. My sleep schedule gets completely thrown off when I go to bed at three am and wake up at eleven. So does my eating schedule. Come to think of it, I might actually be an early riser because I love breakfast so much. So waking up past breakfast time (but still too early for a nicely-timed lunch) throws me off balance. But alas, such is the life of a fun-loving college student.

For my 'brunch' this morning I had the leftover cherries from yesterday, followed shortly thereafter by a peanut butter and agave nectar sandwich with the last of my vegan bread (which I will not be buying again):

After a hard several hours of thinking about doing homework and playing guitar instead, I had worked up an appetite. I knew I was going out around five and probably wouldn't be home till late (meaning I probably wouldn't have anything to eat for a long while), so I made myself a huge salad with the leftovers from yesterday's southwestern dish, plus a few added extras (lettuce, cucumber, and olives):

I was entirely correct in assuming I wouldn't be eating for a while after that. I went downtown for an outdoor concert (in the rain, in the cold) and didn't get back until around eleven pm. I was so chilly and hungry that all I could think about was trying the vegan instant soup I bought on my first trip to the Biomarkt. Unfortunately, it was kind of a letdown - a glorified spicy Raman noodle packet, if you ask me. But nonetheless it did warm me up, and together with a kiwi and some pistachios, my late night dinner was an overall success. 

And with that, I bid you good night.

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