Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Thirty Day Challenge

Is it possible to be a world traveler and a vegan? I'm picturing touching down in Thailand and having to abstain from curried shrimp, or offending a Chinese family by turning down traditional Peking duck. One of the best parts about traveling is sampling the local cuisine, and it's also one of the best ways to be immersed in a new culture. As a young American looking to learn more about the world, immersion is always the ultimate goal.

But it's clear to me that America's relationship with food is on the rocks: obesity rates are sky-high, horrifying factory farms are destroying the environment, and mass-produced, processed foods are poisoning our bodies. In Europe, the consumers tend to have higher standards, but organic practices are hardly the norm.

So I'm going to try this "vegan thing" out. I'm attracted to the wholesome way of life it promotes, and I agree with its central arguments. And having just finished Skinny Bitch, I feel like I've got all the inspiration I can ask for.

It's going to be frustrating--I'm not going to lie to myself. I'm doing this in Germany, the land of sausages and ice cream cafés, where I can't make pilgrimages to Whole Foods several times a week, or even rely on trusted brand names. So here I am, A Vegan Traveler, attempting to "live lightly" in a foreign land for at least thirty days. Starting next week. We'll see how it goes...


  1. Yeah Kaci!!!! You can do it! I will support you from all the way over here or where ever my next journey takes ME...but here's a quick idea...make the preperation part of the whole...I mean cut every veggie and every piece of fruit and have good intentions and imagine all the good your doing for your body and for the environment!!! Besame Mucho!! xxxxxx

  2. please bring this skinny bithch book back with you. id love to give it a read!
